A Google R&D post describes an artificial pet project (PEPE) with goals of 1) creating a robotic pet, and 2) making consumer electronics, such as toasters and VCRs, easier to configure.
I don't know if I want my toaster to bark at me. However, it would be nice when my refrigerator is low on food if it would say: Feed me I'm hungry!
Google search has one emotional component: the I'm Feeling Lucky! button.
Suggestion: On the Google search page add a drop-down filter users can select to return pages with emotional content. Here's a set of basic emotions:
- lucky
- happy
- adventurous
- romantic
- creative
- sociable
If a user searches for "vacation vermont" and applies the "adventurous" filter the results could return parachuting and cliff climbing.
However, if the user searches for "vacation vermont" and applies the "romantic" filter the results could instead include spas and clubs.